Flowers 05 10 03 Sophia Ehrlich

Untitled (Flowers)

Untitled (Flowers) Painting by Sophia Ehrlich, May 2003 Watercolor. Sophia mastered the art or floral watercolor paintings in 2002 (her first year of painting.) In 2003 she began to paint more animals and people, but occasionally returned to the basics to practice her washes. I think in this painting she was also working on painting glass and water – something she would master in only a few attempts. … Continue…Untitled (Flowers)

Bunny watercolor by Sophia Ehrlich


“Bunny” March 2003 Watercolor by Sophia Ehrlich. Sophia loved this little bunny. She gifted me with the original, which I later sent back to her to frame and took a photocopy instead. It was not often that Sophia truly loved her work, but there was something about this bunny that she really connected with. … Continue…Bunny