Japanese Cranes
Canson 140lb cold press; Jerry Q watercolors. Photo Reference: (With permission) John Williams. Facebook Birders Group. “Song of Joy” Taken Akan, Hokkaido, Japan. … Continue…Japanese Cranes
Psalm 57:7 O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.
Canson 140lb cold press; Jerry Q watercolors. Photo Reference: (With permission) John Williams. Facebook Birders Group. “Song of Joy” Taken Akan, Hokkaido, Japan. … Continue…Japanese Cranes
Description: Line and wash watercolor painting on Strathmore 140lb cold press. My husband said this looks like the Morton salt girl. Once he mentioned it I could also see the resemblance. However, my reference source was a coloring page on Pinterest. … Continue…Windy Day
Pencil sketch of a feather. This was a playful study of light and shadows that I toyed around with in hopes of coming up with a cool feather picture for poem I wrote called The Feather. In the end, I chose another picture for the poem that suited it much better. … Continue…Feather in Shadows
This is a painting I did for my sister, Karen. She posted a beautiful picture of hew front yard after
Birch Trees — Marker and Sepia India Ink, December 27, 2004. I am a weather junky. I love spring, summer, fall, and winter. Especially winter. Bare trees get me going, thinking about spring and rebirth. I love seeing the structures of the trees that are hidden by their summer leaves. The shapes, twists, colors — especially after a rain when the wood turns darker and the earthy colors come in trunks and branches come alive. Source: Photography by James Dickens, 2003 … Continue…Birch Trees