A Few Media Highlights From the Business Side of My Life
9 Trends that Explain Why Small Business Are Thriving Now More Than Ever by John Rampton. Inc. Magazine Digital, May 30, 2017.
“Successful entrepreneurs are rarely motivated solely by money (ERON’s top executives, and Bernie Maddoff are good examples of men motivated by making money at all costs.),” writes Lahle Wolfe, founder and CEO of LA Wolfe Marketing. “Successful entrepreneurs achieve wealth because they believe in what they are doing and inject personal core values into how they build a business: Wealth is their reward; not their god.”
When you’re proud of your business, “it will convey in everything you do. Your passion and confidence will get other people – customers and investors – excited about the business and you will have an easier time establishing your business’ credibility,” adds Wolfe.

An ADA Lawsuit Helps Keep Kids Safe at School by Carolyn Butler. Diabetes Forecast, December 2007 print edition.
…”As a result, Wolfe, 47, had to abandon plans of returning to nursing school and instead find a job that allowed her to work from home, so that she’d be available to visit school every hour or two. “Clearly,” she says, “that just doesn’t cut it.” Indeed, after several weeks of this routine—with Elizabeth running extremely high blood sugars almost every single day—Wolfe stopped by school on a hot afternoon and found her daughter nearly unconscious on the playground, surrounded by a group of anxious-looking 5-year-olds. “It turned out that her blood sugar was almost 600—she could have gone into a coma—and there was no adult to be seen,” says a still-livid Wolfe, who immediately withdrew Elizabeth for homeschooling”… Read the article (.pdf)
Diabetes and the Downturn: Getting Care During Tough Times by Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer. Diabetes Self-Management, May 28, 2009.
…”iPump was founded in 2006 by Lahle Wolfe, a single mother of four who has diabetes, as do two of her children. iPump has shipped supplies to more than 6,000 people with diabetes in its two years of operation, providing critical materials to more than 30 free clinics throughout the United States that were turning away people with diabetes because they lacked basic monitoring supplies and syringes. The group has also provided assistance to get more than 20 people on insulin pumps and plans to do the same for at least 10 more people during the first half of this year.”

How One Woman Dealt With Diabetes by Michelle Cantrell. Venus Vision, February 1, 2009.
…”Feeling frustrated with a lack of coherent information on diabetes and concerned that others struggled to get the right care, Lahle took action and created the non-profit organization iPump whose mission is to provide free insulin pumps and diabetes supplies to qualifying approved applicants. Since its inception in 2006, iPump has distributed more than $750,000in free insulin pumps and diabetes supplies to individuals and struggling free clinics throughout the country. Additionally, Wolfe created Islets of Hope, a certified Health on the Net website, that provides information and resources on diabetes and helps connect diabetics with one another through community support.”

Health or Wealth? Tough Choice for Diabetics by Kimberly Berryman. ABC News, November 19, 2008.
…”IPUMP is one of many organizations providing supplies to those who could not otherwise afford them. CEO and founder Lahle Wolfe knows the financial hardships of chronic disease from personal experience. The mother of two diabetic children and a diabetic herself, Wolfe lost her home four years ago to pay off medical debt.
Since its inception, her organization has helped more than 6,000 diabetics afford health care necessities. She receives letters and phone calls each day from others in need. Some of the correspondence is particularly difficult: “[Some ask], ‘Do I feed my other children, or do I give insulin to my diabetic child?'” Wolfe said.
Test strips and insulin pump materials are among the organization’s most requested supplies. Insulin pumps are small, electronic devices that continually administer insulin via a catheter. They are widely considered to be the pinnacle of diabetes management. However, pumps come with a hefty price tag, which prevents many from using the new technology.
Once diabetics have used this device, Wolfe said, “[they] are desperate to stay on their pumps; it’s much more expensive than shots [and] it’s the first luxury in diabetes [they must] give up.”
The Washington Post, Tuesday, April 20, 2004; Page HE01. By Stacey Colino.
…”Lahle Henninger, now 43, of Ashburn, believes she can attest to this. As a young woman, she’d always had irregular periods, and when she did menstruate, she would sometimes hemorrhage because the lining of her uterus had grown so much. Over the years, she’d consulted many doctors for her menstrual problems, as well as the weight struggles, acne and excess body hair that plagued her. But none put the pieces together.
By the time she was diagnosed with PCOS in 1987 — at the age of 27 — Henninger had developed fertility problems and diabetes. Because she and her then-husband wanted to start a family, Henninger took the fertility drug Clomid off and on for three years. “The doctors had me on the highest doses, and it just didn’t work,” she recalled. So the couple adopted three children.
Meanwhile, Henninger took oral contraceptives to regulate her menstrual cycle and went on a low-carb diet to lose weight. After shedding 128 pounds in 13 months, she got her blood sugar under control, along with her previously high cholesterol and blood pressure. Then, in 1998, Henninger became pregnant. “There’s no doubt the dietary changes were the key factor, because I started having periods before I got pregnant,” she said.”
PCOS: The Hidden Epidemic. By Samuel S. Thatcher, M.D., Ph.D.; Cameo story about Lahle Wolfe and her daughter, Elizabeth are featured in his book.
Dr. Sam Thatcher is a renowned expert in Reproductive Endocrinology. He brings to the field both scientific and clinical expertise. This fine book provides superb explanation, insight, and direction in regards to the polycystic ovary syndrome. In a comprehensive yet easy to read format, Thatcher has provided a text that has all the answers (known at this time) in regards to this complex disease entity – polycystic ovary syndrome. It is a unique contribution. Alan DeCherney, M.D. Editor Fertility and Sterility. Past president, American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Stay Fertile Longer, by Mary Kittle
A comprehensive program for women who want to be able to conceive when they are ready to have a baby. Women have been led to believe that they can have it all – but simple female biology tells another story. However, the good news is that there is a host of natural strategies every would-be mum can use today to preserve and optimize her fertility. Stay Fertile Longer offers a comprehensive and holistic program including a fertility-promoting diet and supplement plan, fitness regimen and emotional health strategies to increase the odds of conceiving at the right time.
Lahle’s story appears in the book on pages 252 & 253: What Worked for Us: A Low-Carb Diet Got her Hormones Back On Track.
“…Lahle Wolfe struggled with life-long weight problems, in addition to embarrassing symptoms like acne, balding, and facial hair. She never menstruated…”
Woman’s World, July 2, 2002 (print edition.)
From: Sonnet@obgyn.new Mon, 24 Jun 2002 19:57:51 -0500 (CDT). On newsstands now in most states is the July 2nd issue of Woman’s World which features an article on fellow PCOSer, Lahle Wolfe. Lahle has been active with PCOSA for several years and has served as Board Member, Director Of Online Community Services, Lifestyles News Editor, and creator of the ED list. The article covers her personal story of how her dramatic lifestyle changes through low-carb dieting resulted in her substantial weight loss and ended her years of infertility and other health complications. In fact, Lahle will be guest hosting the low-carb list this week so if you want to chat with her drop her a line through the LowCarb list. Although the official on-sale date for the July 2nd issue of Woman’s World isn’t for a few days, a few states already have it on sale. Kudos to Woman’s World for yet another great article on PCOS!
A Mysterious Ailment: How to spot a hormonal disorder. By Stacy Colino, WebMd Feature, November 27, 2000.
“By the age of 40, Lahle Wolfe says she’d had only five naturally occurring menstrual periods in her entire life. She’s since had more, but only with the help of hormone supplements. For years, this Virginia mother of four also suffered from excess facial and body hair, severe acne, and tremendous weight gain. What was causing such bodily mayhem? None of the nearly 20 doctors she consulted could come up with a diagnosis, let alone a solution… ”
Newspaper Interviews and Quotes
Looks Like the Temp is Going Up, by Julia West, Metro Canada, Calgary Edition, September 5, 2012
Looks Like the Temp is Going Up, by Julia West, Metro Canada, Ottawa Edition, September 5, 2012.
Looks Like the Temp is Going Up, by Julia West, Metro Canada, Toronto Edition, September 5, 2012.
Looks Like the Temp is Going Up, by Julia West, Metro Canada, Vancouver Edition, September 5, 2012.
Overcoming Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace, by Julia West. Metro Canada, Calgary Edition, July 30, 2012.
Overcoming Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace, by Julia West. Metro Canada, Edmunton Edition, July 30, 2012.
Firing the Fallacies, by Julia West. Metro Canada, London Edition, July 7, 2012.
A Guide to Workplace Gifting, by Monica Weymouth. Metro Canada, Ottawa Edition, November 23, 2011.
Firing the Fallacies, by Julia West. Metro Canada, Toronto Edition, July 30, 2012.
Firing the Fallacies, by Julia West. Metro Canada, Winnipeg Edition, July 30, 2012.
Firing the Fallacies, by Julia West. Metro Canada, Vancouver Edition, July 30, 2012.
Great Gifting, by Monica Weymouth. Metro Toronto, Ottawa Edition, November 23, 2011.
A Guide to Workplace Gifting, by Monica Weymouth. Metro Canada, Vancouver Edition, November 23, 2011.
Philly Metro

To Give, or Not to Give at Work? by Monica Weymouth. Philadelphia Metro, November 21, 2011.
Temping Doesn’t Have to be Temporary by Julia West. Philadelphia Metro August 27, 2012.
How To Overcome Gender Stereotypes In the Workplace, by Julia West. Philadelphia Metro, July 23, 2012.
New York Metro

To Give, or Not to Give at Work? by Monica Weymouth. New York Metro, November 21, 2011.
How to Keep Your Employees — and Keep Them Happy, by Bruce Walsh, New York Metro, August 27, 2012.
Boston Metro

How to Keep Your Employees — and Keep Them Happy, by Bruce Walsh. Boston Metro, August 27, 2012.
How To Overcome Gender Stereotypes In the Workplace, by Julia West. Boston Metro, July 23, 2012.
To Give, or Not to Give at Work? by Monica Weymouth. Boston Metro, November 23, 2011.
Santa, Check Your Bag, by Buddy Nevens. 850, The Business Magazine of Northwest Florida, October-November 2010 Issue.
10 Things You Should Know About SEO, by Szymon Admus (page 7). Ogicom, (“Internet Expert”) a business technology magazine published in Slovenia, June 10, 2010 (online.)
10 Things You Should Know About SEO, by Szymon Admus (page 12). Ogicom, (“Internet Expert”) first edition, published in Slovenia, June 13, 2010.
- Columnist, New York Times 2008-2012, About.com
- 2008-Present, columnist Women in Business on About.com
Other (Online)
Accessories for Business Attire: Tools to Make a Good Impression, by Lahle Wolfe. City Harmony, May 6, 2011
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes – Wrote the original article on Wikipedia in 2006. Related articles on other medial sites I wrote are still cited on this article.
Articles Published on Examiner.com (2009)
- Popular diabetes drug may help women with breast cancer
- Trick-or-treat tips for dealing with diabetes on Halloween
- Jerry Mathers, childhood star, takes his diabetes on the road to help others
- Rite Aid offers free diabetes clinics in Los Angeles area
- Sitagliptin (marketed as Januvia and Janumet) may cause acute pancreatitis
- H1N1 flu vaccinations soon to be available in Los Angeles County
- Diabetes technology expo comes to La Jolla
- Los Angeles attorney says diabetics are often falsely accused of DUI
- California nurses fight to rescind the rights of kids with diabetes at school
Citations and Other Quotes
Research in The Community, Bay School, page 225.
Rhetoric and Composition 102, by Ahmad Kassim. September 2012.
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes – Wrote the original article on Wikipedia in 2006. Related articles on other medial sites I wrote are still cited on this article.
10 Tips on How to Choose a Business Partner, Maverick Marketing Publications, July 6, 2009.