The Distinction Between Faith and Politics

Faith and politics often intersect and influence each other in society. However, it is a mistake for people of faith to conflate any political party or politician with God’s divine will. Faith transcends earthly concerns, while politics deals with the governance of society.

The Bible clearly outlines many principles by which we are required as Believers to adhere to. The problem is that no political party/candidate embodies the complete will of God. In fact, both Republican and Democratic parties hold values that align with the will of God and the reverse is true: they both hold values that are in sharp contrast to Divine Will.

Transcendence of Divine Will

First, and most important, God’s will always transcends human understanding and political agendas. Religious scriptures emphasize that God is omnipotent and omniscient, qualities that no human can embody, while politicians are fallible and guided by human motives and often driven by the demands of governance. Equating them with the Divine diminishes the sacredness and wisdom attributed to God.

Universal Values vs. Political Ideologies

Secondly, most faiths advocate for universal values such as love, justice, mercy, and humility, which often transcend political ideologies. Political platforms are built around specific policy positions and goals that may not align with other broader values of faith.

The Bible calls us to love our neighbor, feed the poor, embrace the immigrant. Democrats and Republicans may both believe in the same morals, but disagree on how to accomplish that goal. For example, Democrats may feel more government programs means more people helped, while Republicans may want fewer programs with the belief that in a free market things can take care of themselves.

It is both harmful and wrong to state a believer in Christ must be a member of any political party in order to serve God, or, that they are not even a believer because they are a member of a different party.

What We Can Learn from History

History shows the dangers of merging faith with political power — falling kingdoms and genocide. Even if intentions are to “save” people through government, too many instances illustrate how religious sentiments have been manipulated for political gain, leading to division, conflict, and the erosion of the moral high ground. The crusades, inquisitions, and modern-day extremism should all serve to remind us of the consequences when Divine will is hijacked by political ambition.

The Bible is clear: before the Rapture there will be a great falling away from the Church and the major division among the Church right now has been caused not by the world, but by Christian-driven American politics. That is, we are now infighting among ourselves to the extent that the Body is suffering as a whole.

Faith as a Guiding Light

Additionally, faith provides moral guidance and spiritual solace, fostering a sense of purpose aligned with higher principles. Politics shapes the social order, but is often ephemeral and subject to change. Anchoring divine will to the changing tides of politics risks anchoring faith to the transient instead of the eternal.

Maintaining a Clear Distinction

While political engagement is important for civic responsibility, people of faith should maintain a clear distinction between their spiritual beliefs and political allegiances. By doing so, they preserve the sanctity of their faith and ensure their religious beliefs are not misrepresented by the pragmatic and often polarizing nature of politics.

Remember, beloved, that your political party affiliation will not save you from anything. Only Jesus saves.


So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?” Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered you over to me. What have you done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”

John 18:33-36 ESV


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