This is one of my first serious attempts at sketching a face. My daughter, a gifted artist, taught me some new techniques. I worked on this portrait for weeks and as I was putting on the final stretch of finishing touches she accidentally spilled my Diet Coke and it ran onto the picture.
She was horrified — I laughed (this was a practice piece and I learned not to keep my Diet Cokes next to me when I work!) and we henceforth referred to this piece as “Soda Lady.” Together we figured to wrap her in a blanket, darken one side and you cannot even tell where Diet Coke once saturated the paper (it was a nice translucent sepia tone.)
“Soda Lady” was the first time my daughter and I really sat down to serious art together. Now, we do it all the time.
If you have kids — color with them! Get messy and creative with them! Spill some soda and make jokes. Have. Fun. They grow up too fast and are out the door before you know it — so grab some Crayola’s and Diet Coke and go make art!