I think most of us who teen’d during the 60s or 70s spent time under one of these things (or in the backseat.) Here is to little VW bug lovers everywhere. (I’m actually a Mustang fan myself.) … Continue readingMRCL4
Psalm 57:7 O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.
I think most of us who teen’d during the 60s or 70s spent time under one of these things (or in the backseat.) Here is to little VW bug lovers everywhere. (I’m actually a Mustang fan myself.) … Continue readingMRCL4
Orange Boat in Blue Water Watercolor, Lahle Wolfe June 2019 Some things are beautiful simply for being simple. Source: From
Birch Trees in Winter Watercolor by Lahle Wolfe June 2019.
Out on the desert it’s late at night
Coyotes howling under a full moon bright
It’s getting darker even in the light
It’s almost midnight
Will we be alright? … Continue readingLove One Another
If you have bred beta (Siamese fighting fish) the above cartoon will make sense. It takes careful timing and observation