A Gift of Comfort

The pandemic has been isolating to many people world-wide; our family included. I turn to my Bible and painting when I need to think things out.  A few days ago as I sat painting Christmas cards I realized how much I love to get real old-fashioned snail mail and how rare it is someone writes these days – rare and also very appreciated.

For gifts this year I decided to send blank card sets intended to connect people – to offer comfort, home, a laugh, cry, or even that could serve as a simple thank you or steamy love note.

I hope that by creating simple cards without any branding at all, coupled with an envelop for convenience, more folks will write to each other.  

During war time letters from home certainly do more than raise moral; letters, cards and notes written by the hand of a loved one can be both heartwarming and heartbreaking because they are such a personal hand-to-hand, heart-to-heart connection.  

I hope that my cards will go forward and bless others with the mighty big gift of a simple little note.

Happy Holidays. 

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