The First Gog and Magog War (KJV and Ethiopian Bible Compared)

The First Gog and Magog War (Ezekial’s War): Comparing Ethiopian Bible and the King James Bible

The war of Gog and Magog is a significant prophetic event discussed in both the Ethiopian Bible and the King James Bible. It involves a battle that ensues with Gog, rule or Magog, forms a coalition of nations that attack Israel. God Himself supernaturally intervenes to save Israel and demonstrate to the world his power, authority and righteousness.

The charts below provide comparison summaries of the first Gog and Magog war, between  the Ethiopian Bible, and a comparative analysis with the account in the King James Bible.

Ethiopian Bible

Key Elements

King James Bible

Key Elements

Gog as a Prince: A powerful leader from Magog, leading an alliance of hostile nations. Gog’s Invasion: Gog, from the land of Magog, leads a vast coalition against Israel.
Divine Judgment: The Lord’s intention to use the war to execute judgment upon Gog and his allies. Purpose of Judgment: The Lord’s purpose to glorify Himself through the defeat of Gog and his forces.
Supernatural Intervention: The intervention of divine forces to protect Israel and destroy the enemies. Miraculous Deliverance: Divine intervention to protect Israel and annihilate the invading forces through natural disasters and supernatural means.
Eschatological Significance: The war is a precursor to the final divine victory over evil and the establishment of God’s kingdom. Prophetic Fulfillment: The war is part of the fulfillment of God’s prophetic plan for the end times.

The Ethiopian Bible

In the Ethiopian Bible, the first Gog and Magog war is depicted in the Book of Ezekiel. The narrative describes Gog as a prince from the land of Magog, who leads a coalition of nations against God’s people, Israel. The Lord declares that He is against Gog and will bring him forth with all his army, horses, and horsemen. The conflict is portrayed as a manifestation of divine judgment against the evil forces.

The King James Bible

The King James Bible also recounts the Gog and Magog war in the Book of Ezekiel. The narrative is similar to the Ethiopian Bible, with Gog being the prince of Magog, leading a confederation of nations against Israel. The Lord prophesies that He will bring Gog against the land of Israel in the latter years, and a great battle will ensue.


While both the Ethiopian Bible and the King James Bible share similarities in their depiction of the first Gog and Magog war, there are subtle differences in emphasis and detail.



Both accounts describe Gog as a powerful leader from Magog leading a coalition against Israel.

Divine judgment and intervention are central to both narratives, with the Lord using the war to execute judgment on Gog and his allies.

The war holds eschatological significance, serving as a precursor to the ultimate victory of divine forces over evil.




Emphasis on Divine Judgment: The Ethiopian Bible places a stronger emphasis on the aspect of divine judgment against Gog, while the King James Bible highlights the glorification of the Lord through the defeat of the enemies.

Description of the Battle: The King James Bible provides more detailed descriptions of the supernatural means employed by God to defeat Gog, such as earthquakes, hailstones, and fire.

Chronological Context: The Ethiopian Bible situates the war more explicitly within the broader context of prophetic events leading to the establishment of God’s kingdom.


The first Gog and Magog war is a significant prophetic event in both the Ethiopian Bible and the King James Bible, illustrating the themes of divine judgment, supernatural intervention, and eschatological fulfillment. While the core narrative remains consistent across both texts, differences in emphasis and detail provide unique insights into the theological and eschatological perspectives of each.

More About Gog/Magog